Death Metal Giants Kataklysm return with new album "Goliath" (Album Review)


Kataklysm is no stranger to the death metal community, having forged a significant reputation over their long-standing career. With "Goliath," the band continues their relentless journey through the heavy realms of brutal storytelling and unyielding instrumentation. Released under the banner of Nuclear Blast Records, the album captures the essence of contemporary death metal while staying true to what uniquely makes them Kataklysm.

‘Dark Wings of Deception’ Kicks the album off with a sound bite “Kings may be chosen by God, but they still make the mistakes of men”, which then erupts into brutally slow guitar with undeniably fast and chaotic drums; This had me hooked in an instant. The epic build up of well written riffs, blast beats and delightful chaos; combined with dreary clean guitars is truly satisfying to listen to. This Track will get stuck in your head and you will benefit from repeat listens. 

‘Goliath’ True to its title, this track feels monstrous. This track slays! It’s a short but powerful journey, representing the might and terror of its namesake. The band ensures that the song's energy matches the daunting image of Goliath. 

The sonic beating continues with 'Die as a King'  This track embraces all the things that make Kataklysm great. I love the shifting drum tempos in this track, from insanely fast double kicks, to driving rhythms and back again. The guitar work is stunning and vibrant. Lyrically, this song gives me chills. I envision raising my sword and charging into battle when I listen to it.

‘Bringer of Vengeance’ Starts slow and methodical, it carries a theme of revenge. The vocals are particularly haunting here, presenting a mood of impending doom. Along with well timed clean guitars with an aggressive back drop; makes this one of my favorite tracks on the album.

'Combustion' As the title suggests, this song burns with intensity. I love the triplets on guitar heavily dominating this track . This track is absolutely fantastic! 'From the Land of the Living to the Land of the Dead' This track is an epic journey. The complexity of this track deserves praise and reverence. The Death Metal riffs really shine here.

'The Redeemer' With a slightly slower tempo at the beginning; that matches the slow fade of every instrument is a nice surprise from the previous tracks, "The Redeemer" presents a perfect blend of melancholy and aggression. It’s reflective and introspective but doesn’t compromise on the intensity. ‘Heroes to Villains’  Features fantastic  storytelling, the breakdown near the end and intricate guitar work is my absolute favorite both lyrically and musically.

‘Gravestones & Coffins’  This track hits hard like stupid hard and is brutal! Where do they come up with these riffs?!?! They are sick! The song writing on this track is next level! ‘The Sacrifice for TruthA grand closer to the album and It’s the longest track; embodies a culmination of all the themes, explored throughout this biblically epic journey of an album call ’Goliath'

Kataklysm’s "Goliath" is a tribute to the band’s evolution while preserving their core essence. It’s a roller coaster of emotions, filled with heavy riffs, intense drumming, and thought-provoking lyrics. Whether you’re a long-time fan of Kataklysm or new to their sound, "Goliath" promises an immersive death metal experience.

Listen to the album on SPOTIFY


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